Vogelfrei, 7C+/8A

Hi, No, I do not know the


No, I do not know the location of this boulderproblem. I wonder if it is the project located below Venuspassasjen, just after you enter the path in the scree. But it don't look much like it though. Do anyone know where it is located?

Lots of development done the last year, but I have not been bouldering outside in Tromsø since last summer. But the problem looks awesome! Can't wait for the summer holidays to come :-)

Keep developing. This is the best bouldering area in Norway, we just don't know it yet...


yes it is! This problem is

yes it is! This problem is situated somewhere among the boulders below Ersfjorden (the crag). Maybe Eirik knows.

is it ersfjorden in the

is it ersfjorden in the background?

tilreisende østerriker på et

tilreisende østerriker på et 7C+/8A problem som jeg ikke husker navnet på

Kult bilde!

Kult bilde!

** If one cup of coffee makes me feel good, then two must make me feel better **

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